Environment Protection Policy

Magvisor petroleum private limited strategic objectives include the safety and protection of Environment, right at the very top.

Magvisor petroleum private limited continues to control and minimize risks to the environment through a policy of deploying company resources to develop and establish safe working

procedures. We practice strict compliance with all Environmental laws. We use environment and nature friendly techniques in order to make the damage to mother nature as low as possible.

Magvisor petroleum private limited management and employees are committed to safe environmental management and low impact/pollution practices/procedures for the work. Site Managers are encouraged to spread environmental awareness within the employees. Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Improvements in performance and compliance are sustained through an active interaction program and audit Contributions are
acknowledged and rewarded while violations are attended to promptly for mitigation.

Restoration and replacement of the land is achieved by working around tree clusters and topsoil is preserved/re-laid after working.

Hazardous substance storage and disposal is strictly controlled in accordance with supplier's recommendations. Pollution due to waste gases, solid and liquid waste is eliminated through the recommended disposal systems.


Magvisor petroleum private limited feels proud to be a committed environmental friendly company.

jauhar sarwar cheema
Magvisor petroleum pvt.ltd